Legacy-Driven Parenting: Doctor Mom's Insights

A powerful meditation on the meaning of family, identity, and community.

Book Cover: Cords-Reflections on Weaving the Tapestry of Life

Why in the world, the way it stands, should anyone embrace their culture? For us to relate to the rest of the world in a healthy manner, we must be anchored somewhere.

As recently as forty years ago, mixed marriages were not common. They were not only frowned upon, but some had dire consequences as a brief survey of the literature will immediately reveal.

More and more people have such a unique heritage, that putting them into one category is a stretch. This book is a memoir of Patricia’s experiences in the various categories of race.

The chapters are the various colors and start with a recent event that triggered the thought followed by a story in her life that describes how it played out. It is a collection of stories that will enrich your worldview.

Cords is a powerful meditation on the meaning of family, identity, and community. There’s something beautiful about learning to love your culture and simultaneously cultivating in your children the awareness that everyone has a culture or heritage that is important to them.

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Publisher: Dr. Patricia Tibbs